How to Find Your Purpose and Why You Need to Do It

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In this post, your purpose, mission, long-term goals and dreams all mean the same thing.

Why You Need to Find Your Purpose

The two main reasons why you need to find your purpose:

  1. It gives your life more meaning, happiness and fulfilment. You need to have a purpose in order to feel fulfilled in life.
  2. You avoid regret in the future.

The reason most people feel bad and sad is because they are not living right and not doing the right things. All day, they are doing things that give them instant gratification like video games, eating unhealthy food and random videos. Non of these things results in any kind of progress in real life. The negative feelings they get is like their own body telling them that the way they are living needs to change.

Everyone has a list of things they want to accomplish in life. It’s just that all the distractions around us has made us unable to think clearly, submissive and weak so we are unable to take action.

It’s a known fact that progress equals happiness. You won’t know if you are making any progress if you don’t have any goals. Working on your purpose almost always results in positive feelings. Having something you are working towards also proves that you are capable of commitment. Furthermore, it will give you confidence since this also shows that you are capable of doing difficult and challenging things.

Working on your purpose is also financially good because in many cases it does not cost anything. You also don’t wanna spend money or time on other things since you will be busy and prefer to work on your goals instead.

The thing everyone is looking for in life is not money, fame or success. The thing everyone is looking for is fulfilment. It’s the feeling that you are you making the most of your life. That you are happy with how you spend you time and the person you are. That you are going to be able to look back without regret.

You find fulfilment by working hard on things and learning skills that matter to you. The work is going to be challenging, uncomfortable and there will be struggle but it will be worth it if you stick with it. You will feel good as you improve in these skills and make progress on your goals because it feels like you are moving forward in life. You will feel fulfilled when you have the skills and results you want and are happy with the person you have become.

Without a purpose, you will not have good way to spend your free time. What will happen instead is that you will entertain yourself with low value activities. How can you know that these activities are of low value? The moment you find a purpose these activities will no longer be of priority to you. It’s these activities that you can’t say that you are happy spending time on doing or that you regret doing. This can for example be listening to random podcasts, watching random videos, spending too much time with other people.

What if you think you are a person without a purpose? This is the same as saying you are a person who is incapable of learning new things and have no personal interests and the only thing you can do is listening to others and consume things that give you short-term gratification.

If your life right now is that you go to a job you don’t wanna go to and you know isn’t the kind of work you wanna do. During work you do the bare minimum just so you can get a pay check and then do nothing productive on your free time that moves you forward. You go through the day being half lazy and being disinterested. You think thoughts like “When is the next vacation or weekend?” If this is the way you go though life then nothing really good is ever going to happen to you. You will not get any closer towards the life where you enjoy your work and make money at the same time.

If you don’t know what your purpose is, then your purpose right now is to find your purpose.

How to Find Your Purpose

Your purpose has has to be something you care about and is important to you.

Many people think that the way to find their purpose is though inspiration and asking others but this is wrong. What you really need is isolation and solitude. You do this in 3 steps:

  1. You first need to block out all the distraction and disconnect from everything so you can allow your brain to think deeply so it can come up with good answers. 
  2. Then you need to grab a pen and some paper. 
  3. Then you can start to ask yourself some questions, think and write down your answers. 
  4. You should do this for 2 – 3 days and stay away from all technology during this time.

Example of some questions to ask yourself:

  • You choose your own purpose. So ask yourself what do you want your purpose / goals in life sto be?
  • What is it that I really wanna do?
  • What skill will give me the most satisfaction, happiness and fulfilment in life if I learned and mastered it?
  • What goal if accomplished will give me the most satisfaction, happiness and fulfilment in life? 
  • What are my weaknesses / weak points right now and what do I need to work on?
  • What bad habits do I have right now? What are my negatives / what is negative about me?
  • What are some things I will regret not doing? 
  • What are some skills I will regret not learning?  
  • What is my full potential in life? 
  • What were my goals and interests when I was young. 
  • When was the last time you were happy? 
  • When was the last time I was proud of myself? 
  • What things are important to me?
  • Am I a good example of a good person?
  • What do I need to do to become financially free?
  • What skills do I need to learn in order to become finically free?

If you want more questions just google: “deep questions to ask yourself” or “questions to reflect on”.

Take a break once you are done asking and answering. Like go out for a walk or something. Then ask the questions again and see if the answers is any different. If they stay the same it’s probably what you want.

It is going to take some trial and error until you find something worth committing too. You might not find your life purpose immediately, but you will find something to work towards for the nearest time.

Other people can help you a bit in finding your purpose but the decision has to be made by you alone.

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