The Importance of Integrity

importance of integrity

Integrity is character trait and something you either have or don’t have. A person who has integrity is often associated with other positive traits such as trust, loyalty, honesty and reliability. So one definition of integrity could be that It’s a measure of how trustworthy, honest, loyal and reliable you are.

How to Earn Integrity?

Integrity is earned by having defined a set of values and principles and then living, making decisions and taking action according them all the time, even when no one is watching. You cant have integrity without consistency.

Because of this another definition of integrity could be that it’s a measure of how consistent you live life according to your values and principles. The first definition holds true in most cases since almost everyone values trust, loyalty, honesty and reliability.

What Are Values and Principles?

Values are character traits or things that are important to you, example of things to value could be: health, family and freedom. Principles is a rule or belief you have created that you will live by. Values and principles go hand in hand. Every value can be backed by a principle and the other way around.

For Example

  • Value is respect, then the principle can be always treat others and behave respectfully.
  • Value is accountability, then the principle could be that you always take responsibility for your mistakes and admit when you have done something wrong.
  • Value is kindness, then the principle could be that you don’t make jokes at the cost of someone else or that might hurt someone else.

Your values and principles guides your decision making, the actions you take and the way you live life. Everyone has values in their life whether they have clearly defined them or not.

A good exercise to do is to analyze yourself and see how you spend your life, how you make decisions and how you apply meaning to things and then identify your values based on that analysis. If you are not happy with these values then its time to change. Ask yourself where these values will take you and if they serve you towards your goals. Read more about this in this post here.

Why Live a Life With Integrity

There are only 2 reasons. Your personal reputation and the relationship you have with yourself.

Meaning of Personal Reputation

Your personal reputation is the way other people think of you. A person with a good reputation will have more opportunities and success in life (we each define what success means to us). It’s very difficult to build a good personal reputation without any results and a stack of proof to show for. Actions speak louder then words. Instead of listening to what other say look instead at what they are doing and the results they have in life. Its recommended and beneficial for you to build up a good personal reputation.

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently. -Warren buffet

Meaning of Your Relationship With Yourself

Your relationship with yourself is how you feel about yourself and view yourself when you are by yourself. In other words its about self respect, the respect you have for yourself. To get self-respect you need to do things that you think are worthy of respect. This is something you decide for yourself and it will be things based on what you value.

For almost everyone self-respect is earned by pursing fulfillment. Fulfillment is all about learning skills that are important to you / regret not learning and achieving goals you have set for yourself.

These skills and goals should be exciting and interesting to you but is also honorable, meaning that you are proud about the fact that you spend your time on these things. Honorable also means that it has the potential to serve both yourself and others. If you do this it will feel like you have this drive and direction in life which will make you feel good about yourself. You will still go through difficulties and struggles in life but you will have something to return to.

Also note that it’s better to value yourself based on the effort you put in rather than the outcome. Reason for this is to save yourself from being miserable. If you only value yourself based on the outcome, there will be moments when you achieve the desired result and feel happy. However, this won’t happen consistently since disappointment can easily occur. During those times, if you value outcome, you will feel miserable, regretful, and frustrated. On the other hand, if you define success as putting in effort and making progress, you’ll be happier a lot more. This will allow you to find happiness and joy in the pursuit instead of the outcome.

I would say a good relationship with yourself is that you are happy and proud with the person you are, and are happy with how you spend your time and the things you do and where you are in life. A bad relationship with yourself is created by doing things you are ashamed of and that you don’t want others to see. And of course constantly lying and not fulfilling promises is going ruin the respect and confidence you have in yourself.

2 Exercises To Do

  • Define good values
  • Create a not to-do list of things that would break your values and principles. Inaction is easier than action. By identifying things you should not do, you avoid doing things that conflict with your values and principles.

Suggestion of Values To Have

  1. Honesty – being truthful and sincere in communication and behavior.
  2. Respect – treating others with dignity and kindness, regardless of differences in beliefs, background, or status.
  3. Responsibility – taking accountability for one’s actions and choices.
  4. Compassion – showing empathy and concern for the well-being of others.
  5. Integrity – adhering to moral and ethical principles and being consistent in one’s actions and values.
  6. Perseverance – persisting through challenges and setbacks to achieve goals.
  7. Courage – facing fears and challenges with bravery and determination.
  8. Gratitude – expressing appreciation for the good things in life and recognizing the contributions of others.
  9. Humility – recognizing one’s limitations and imperfections and being open to learning and growth.
  10. Fairness – treating others equitably and justly, without favoritism or bias.
  11. Open-mindedness – being receptive to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences.
  12. Creativity – using imagination and innovation to generate new ideas and solve problems.
  13. Generosity – sharing time, resources, and talents to help others and make the world a better place.
  14. Empathy – being able to understand and share the feelings of others.
  15. Tolerance – respecting and accepting the beliefs and practices of others, even if they differ from one’s own.
  16. Self-discipline – exhibiting self-control and restraint to achieve personal goals.
  17. Patience – being able to wait calmly and without frustration for something to happen or change.
  18. Teamwork – working collaboratively with others to achieve a common goal.
  19. Love – showing care, affection, and concern for others.
  20. Environmental stewardship – taking responsibility for protecting and preserving the natural environment for future generations.
  21. Forgiveness – being able to let go of grudges and resentment towards others.
  22. Authenticity – being true to oneself and expressing one’s beliefs and values authentically.
  23. Dependability – being reliable and trustworthy in fulfilling commitments and responsibilities.
  24. Service – dedicating time and effort to help others and make a positive impact in the world.
  25. Diversity – recognizing and respecting the differences in beliefs, cultures, and identities among individuals and groups.
  26. Adaptability – being flexible and able to adjust to changing circumstances and situations.
  27. Excellence – striving to achieve the highest level of quality and performance in one’s endeavors.
  28. Curiosity – having a desire to learn and explore new ideas, concepts, and experiences.
  29. Rationality – using reason and critical thinking to make sound decisions and judgments.
  30. Peace – promoting harmony, understanding, and cooperation among individuals and nations.

Suggestion of Principles To Have

  1. Live with purpose – have a clear sense of direction and meaning in life.
  2. Practice gratitude – appreciate the good things in life and express thanks to others.
  3. Treat others with respect – treat others as you would like to be treated, regardless of differences.
  4. Be honest – tell the truth, and be sincere in your communication and behavior.
  5. Take responsibility for your actions – be accountable for your choices and their consequences.
  6. Continuously learn and grow – embrace new experiences, ideas, and perspectives to promote personal growth and development.
  7. Practice self-care – take care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
  8. Be kind and compassionate – show empathy and concern for the well-being of others.
  9. Foster meaningful relationships – cultivate healthy and supportive relationships with family, friends, and community.
  10. Give back to others – use your time, resources, and talents to help others and make a positive impact in the world.
  11. Embrace diversity – appreciate and respect differences in culture, ethnicity, beliefs, and opinions.
  12. Act with integrity – be truthful, ethical, and consistent in your actions and values.
  13. Be accountable – take responsibility for your mistakes and make amends when necessary.
  14. Pursue excellence – strive to do your best and achieve the highest level of quality in everything you do.
  15. Be adaptable – be flexible and open to change, and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.
  16. Cultivate resilience – develop the ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges.
  17. Practice forgiveness – let go of grudges and resentment, and forgive others and yourself.
  18. Practice mindfulness – be present in the moment and aware of your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.
  19. Value time – use your time wisely and prioritize the things that are most important to you.
  20. Foster creativity – cultivate your imagination and creativity to generate new ideas and solutions.
  21. Embrace simplicity – simplify your life and reduce clutter to promote focus and clarity.
  22. Be authentic – be true to yourself and don’t compromise your values or beliefs to please others.
  23. Seek balance – strive for balance in all aspects of your life, including work, family, and personal pursuits.
  24. Communicate effectively – communicate clearly, listen actively, and show empathy in your interactions with others.
  25. Practice humility – recognize your limitations and learn from others, and avoid arrogance or overconfidence.
  26. Be proactive – take initiative and be proactive in seeking solutions to problems.
  27. Stay positive – maintain a positive attitude, even in the face of adversity.
  28. Stay curious – maintain a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world and seek out new experiences.
  29. Embrace change – be open to change and seek out new opportunities for growth and development.
  30. Be self-aware – reflect on your thoughts and emotions, and be aware of how they impact your behavior and decisions.
  31. Practice self-compassion – be kind and gentle with yourself, and practice self-care when needed.
  32. Be patient – practice patience and tolerance in dealing with others and challenging situations.
  33. Foster innovation – encourage creativity and innovation in yourself and others.
  34. Respect nature – appreciate and protect the natural environment and promote sustainability.
  35. Have a sense of humor – maintain a sense of humor and find joy and laughter in life.

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