Steal Like an Artist Book Summary

Book title: Steal Like an Artist - 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative

Author: Austin Kleon

Personal rating: 7.5 / 10

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All creative work is inspired by and builds on what came before. No idea or creation is entirety new. This book talks about if we want to create something new we should look at previous similar work to learn and find inspiration from it. If what we create must be entirely new and original we will never start because most likely something similar already exist. Instead, we should steal what is possible from work that is related to what we want to create and then add our own ideas to it. Steal from many different sources and then combine them into something new.

1. Steal Like an Artist

All creators and artists create their work by stealing and find inspiration from previous work. This applies to for example music, art, anything written or other products. Most of the time they have just found inspiration from many different sources and then remixed them. All good artists know that nothing is original. So instead of trying to be original, look for ways to remix and improve existing things.

A good artist looks for the things that are worth stealing and then skip the rest. A good artist’s view of the world consists of the things that are worth or not worth stealing. Surround yourself with good things so you can be influenced by them and then use them in you own work. Be curious of the world and keep on reading and studying.

Look for a person who has mastered a skill or created something similar you want to create. Then study as much as possible about this person. Next look for three people that the person liked or looked up to and study them. Continue to do this and keep learning all the relevant skills and useful information. Go deeper than anybody else because that’s how you get ahead. Then apply everything and steal their methods to create something of you own.

A good idea is to always have a place to take notes, like a notebook or phone, so you can write down your thoughts.

2. Don’t Wait Until You Know Who You Are to Get Started

It’s through taking action, creating things and doing work that we figure out who we are. Nobody is born with a specific skills. Everything is learned first through copying. First you have to figure out who to copy and then what to copy. Copy from the professionals and the people you look up to. Copy their work but more importantly copy their thinking. You want to understand how they deal with problems and come up with solutions. Look for your weak points and then improve them. After enough copying you will have become more competent and have developed your own style. Don’t wait until you feel ready to start, just get started, because new excuses will keep on coming.

3. Write the Book You Want to Read

Don’t write what you know, write what you like. Write the story you want to read. This applies to all other areas as well. Draw the art you want to see, start the business you want to run, play the music you want to hear and build the products you want to use. Basically do the work you want to see done.

Look at previous work from people you look up to and look for what they missed or what can be improved.

4. Use Your Hands

Doing work on our computer and be too abstract and not feel like we are doing any work. We should try to do more things that include our hands and body. We need to experience what it’s like to create something physical with our hands. This can result in more inspiration and ideas.

5. Side Projects and Hobbies Are Important

A hobby is something that is just for you. The goal of it should not to be make money but just doing it for it’s own sake because it makes you happy. Hobbies gives your mind a break from your regular work and time to recharge. It can also help you get more ideas. It is good to have a couple of hobbies or side projects so you can switch between them. Working on our hobbies and side projects can be seen as productive procrastination. It’s the side projects that really take off because you like doing it and it doesn’t feel like work to you.

If you run out of ideas or inspiration then do something boring. This can for example be clean your home, go for a walk or just stare at the wall. Some of our best ideas comes when we are bored.

6. The Secret: Do Good Work and Share It With People

The only way of becoming known is to share your work with other people. This can be done on the internet. When you share your work with others you open yourself for feedback which you can learn from. People like it when you share your secrets and give useful advice. If it is good enough they will pay you for it.

7. Geography is No Longer Our Master

Create an environment filled with things that you like. All you need is a place to work and time to do it. Find and join communities you belong to.

But it’s also important to leave home every now and then other wise you will get too comfortable. You need to step outside of your comfort zone so you can get exposed to more things. This can for example be traveling or meeting new people. Travel makes the world look new, and when the world looks new, our brains work harder.

8. Be Nice. (The World is a Small Town)

Be nice and kind to people around you. This is even more important today where we are more connected thanks to the internet. Ignore the haters and be nice to the rest.

You’re only going to be as good as the people you surround yourself with. If you’re the most talented person in the room, you need to find another room. When you are around the best you will adapt to their level. When we are online it means following the best people and the people we look up. Pay attention to what they are talking about and doing.

9. Be Boring. (It’s the Only Way to Get Work Done)

It takes a lot of energy to be creative so don’t waste it on unnecessary things, such as random drama, gossip and news. The most productive people live quite boring lives. It also important to take care of oneself, such as having a good diet, exercise and sleep well.

The worst thing a day job does is that it takes time and energy away from you. The good things about a day job is that it gives you money and a routine. Having a routine can be even more important than having a lot of time. You want to set a schedule and figure out how much time you have each day to work on your own things. Then make sure to stick with the schedule and do the work. Keep track of the days you do the work and the days you don’t and then adjust your schedule.

The goal when looking for a job for most people is to find a day job that pays decently and leaves you with enough energy do you own work on you spare time.

Who you marry is the most important decision you’ll ever make. Who you marry also means who you do business with, who you befriend and who you choose to be around. The person we marry will influence our motivation, beliefs and behavior.

10. Creativity is Subtraction

The people who get ahead are those who can figure out what to skip and avoid so they can focus on their goals. What information we choose to consume and what information we choose to leave out are both important. Having limitations means freedom. So it’s important to set up limits and constraints on what we have to leave out.


“Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But, since no one was listening, everything must be said again.” -André Gide 

 “If you copy from one author, it’s plagiarism, but if you copy from many, it’s research.” -Wilson Mizner

“The only art I’ll ever study is stuff I can steal from.” -David Bowie

“Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.” -Salvador Dali

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