The 10 Best Speeches and Interviews to Succeed in Life

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Quick Summery of All the Speeches and Interviews

One message these speeches and interviews have in common is that in order to succeed it requires hard work, sacrifices, discipline, do difficult things, do things you don’t want to do but know are important and time. It is also recommended to continuously learn things that are useful to you, keep improving yourself and take on new and harder challenges (step outside of comfort zone). Also be a good and kind person.

You should also have long term goals, which will most likely take time to achieve, and work towards them and don’t wait to take action. Be impatient with action and patient with results. Do things that move you towards your long term goal and avoid things that don’t.

If you are not happy with your life and the results you have right now, it simply means that you are not happy with yourself. Most of these results was caused and influenced by your actions and you need to take responsibility for them and stop making excuses and blaming others. The reason for this is because it does not serve or help you in any way to blame it on others.

It is probably also a sign that you are not good enough and need to develop a few new skills and a new view on life. You can’t expect different results while doing the same thing and staying the same. If you want different results you need to change, improve and work on yourself. 

First you need to define what success to you means. The way then to reach this is is to first decide and be as specific as possible and then write them all down. Writing things down and setting up a plan is an important step. Everyones time is limited. So in order to succeed you need to start doing more things that successful people do and stop doing things that unsuccessful people do.

The thing everyone is really looking for is fulfilment. it’s the feeling that you are you making the most of your life. That you are happy with how you spend you time. That you are going to be able to look back without regret. That you are happy about the person you are. You get fulfilment by working hard on things and learning skills that matter to you. It will make you feel good as you make progress and improve in these areas.

You also need good and high quality relationships. You will not be happy when you succeed if you have no one to share it with.

The Way Our Thoughts Influences Us

We become the things we think about. We don’t see things as they are, we see the things as we are. We are in control of our thoughts, or at least the thoughts we choose to pay attention to. If our thoughts are positive then we will see the world as a good and positive place. If our thoughts are negative we will see the world as a dark and negative place. If our thoughts are about achieving a goal we will start to see and find more opportunities towards achieving that goal.

Thoughts are like magnets and they attracts what we think about. Our obsessions become our possessions. We need to start self-analyse and think about what we think about and change it if it’s not in the direction we want to go. If our thoughts are not helping or serving us it’s like having a virus in our mind that’s slowing us down and we stop functioning optimally. Instead we need to take control of our mind and start pointing it at our goals and stop letting the world around us steal all our attention. 

How to remove useless thoughts? The first step is to write down the useless thoughts and then replace them with better thoughts that serve you. Then repeat them continuously. Ask yourself what thoughts do I need to have in order to achieve this goal. The more specific out thoughts are the higher the chance of achieving that goal. Our mind will start to look for the people we need to meet and things we need to do.

The way we view the world is affected by the thoughts and mindset we have. We decide if a result or event is positive, natural or negative. These judgments are influenced by our previous experiences and values (what we think are important). 

Motivation and Discipline

You shouldn’t rely and look for motivation when trying to become persistent and achieve your goals. The reason for this is because motivation is an emotion that is unpredictable and can’t be created at will. It’s great when we have it and should make full use of it when it comes around. But if you need motivation to get work done, then you will waste lot of time looking for it when you don’t have it. 

What you are looking for instead is discipline. Discipline means getting up and doing what need to be done even you don’t feel like doing it. Discipline can be trained and it will become easier the more you do it.

Tree quick tips to develop more discipline are:

  1. Make discipline part of you identify, meaning that you are a person who shows up every time and tries their best.
  2. Know why you are doing it / have a strong why.  
  3. Stop making excuses.

Joe Rogen Speech and Advice

Tony Robbins Advice and Speech

Mel Robbins Interview and Advice

Jordan Petersen Advice 1

Jordan Petersen Advice 2

Steve Harvey Advice and Speech

David Goggins Advice

David Goggins Interview 1

David Goggins Interview 2

Ed Mylett Interview and Advice

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